Peach sweater – New Look // White treggings – Vero Moda // Flowery scarf – Primark New Castle // Black ballerina’s – H&M // Peach & white bag – Primark // Black and white necklace – Curacao // Watch – Guess // Bracelets – Gift, Primark, H&M, Forever21
Since starting blogging I always wanted to do outfit posts. Actually I did one last year which also was around spring time. Click here for that post. And also a quick video while I was on Curacao. Click here for that one.
But I am *like
every other woman* a little insecure of my body since I’m not your average skinny
girl but mostly on the chubby/ big side. My metabolism sucks! Everything I eat
goes straight to my breasts, belly, thighs and butt. And I can thank my family
on my dad’s side for that.
I’ve been trying to lose weight for years, but it’s hard
and also I need to work double since me burning fat is a no-no for my body and also
I am just plain lazy. I need to motivate myself.
You know what, I’ll talk more about me and my losing weight
struggle in another post.
Going back to outfit photo’s, like I said I wanted to
do them since ever but I always felt a little insecure. But lately I realized
that if I never take the first step, I’ll never get over that insecurity. And also
I can be an inspiration to other girls that shares the same
insecurities with me.
So as in today, I’m going to start sharing some outfit
pictures or video depending what works best on that day.
In my last Random Haul video I share my some boughts where there was also this peachy
sweater I bought at New Look.
Today I’m going to share my outfit pictures, how I combined
this sweater. Since it’s see-through I wore a black body underneath *which now thinking about it a white body
would have worked better* and combined it with white treggings. For shoes I
wore some plain black flats. And as always my accessories couldn’t be missed.
Pictures were taken by the lovely Lara from Makeup and More. Thanx Laar ♥
What do you think about woman and their insecurities?
And what do you think of this outfit post?
Kiss, Kiss & Love
Mz. J ♥